Prints for sale


You can now order your favourite images as a print - framed or unframed


Would you like a beautiful large or small format fine art quality photographic print for your home or office wall?

Step 1: Screenshot your favourite images from this website or James’ Instagram feed and send them through to

Useful tips to help make your selection:

  • Where is the print going to hang? This helps to determine size and aspect ratio of the print.

  • What subject matter interests you: big landscape, intimate portrait, wildlife, specific geographic location?

  • What emotion or feeling do you want? This will help determine if the print should be in colour or black and white.

Step 2: Based on your selection and where you want the print to hang, James will dig into his archive and provide you with a couple of options. You’ll then select your favourite image, the format and the size.

Step 3: This image will be printed on professional archival paper by third party printers. James can help you choose the framing solution that best amplifies the print in its intended hanging location.

Step 4: The print will be securely packaged and can be shipped (either framed or unframed) to any South African or international destinations. Each print will be signed and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.

Payment: Each print order will be priced individually. South African invoices can be settled by EFT. International orders can be settled via EFT or PayPal.

Any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact James on